Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects
Tektonika Studio Architects


At Tektonika Studio Architects, we believe that the success of our practice is directed through the people and relationships we establish with each of our projects. With our clients, our consultants and our contractors, we strive to establish and provide effective team building. It is our belief that the process of design and building should be an enjoyable and enriching experience. Superior and dynamic communications and dialogue is an important means to this end.

A critical component of our client commitment is to the establishment and adherence to budget parameters. In conjunction with the development of the client program we will establish the project budget prior to initiating design work. Through an established cost estimating process we will regularly confirm that the evolving design meets the project budget.


Tektonika Studio Architects subscribes to a vigorous and creative design process which is open to many sources of inspiration. In achieving this, we draw upon the needs and imagination of our clients, and the context and history of our natural and built surroundings. With each of our projects, we pursue a unique architectural vocabulary which is developed through the exploration, composition, and integration of building forms, spaces, and materials.

We are dedicated to the development and integration of a continually expanding body of technical knowledge. Our technical expertise is a critical component in the successful functioning and aesthetics of our buildings. To this end, we are conscious of proven and tested building materials and systems, while we simultaneously undertake the research and investigation of new products and methodologies.

With each of our projects we utilize this knowledge in the design of space integrated with the selection of systems and materials. In our design composition we strive to reveal the significance and beauty of the place where the project resides through the expression of the building. In making this connection we endeavor to create buildings of timeless beauty and inspiration which are a reflection of our individual clients and of the world and culture in which we participate.


Tektonika Studio Architects believes that the practice of architecture must responsibly consider our natural environment and our built surroundings as they may be impacted by our work. We strive to create buildings which are supportive of our communities at the local level and on a global scale. We are mindful of the legacy which we leave in the places where we dwell and upon our planet. We have always championed environmental responsibility as a guiding principal for our work.

Within this regard we are continually upgrading our knowledge base of sustainable technologies and products and our understanding of building science. We implement the best of these practices and strategies for each project. This continued learning and implementation allows our buildings and their occupants to make a harmonious connection to the natural environment.

Architectural Design Services

Tektonika Studio Architects offers the following core architectural design services as our basic services package. There may be slight variations on these services depending upon the nature and the requirements of the project. The design process generally follows these services sequentially as outlined below:

  • Pre-Design
  • Schematic Design
  • Design Development
  • Construction Documents
  • General Contractor Selection
  • Permitting
  • Construction Administration

Depending upon the nature and the requirements of the project, we will coordinate consultant services as required and facilitate the integration of these consultant services into the architectural work. These consultants are typically as outlined below:

  • Survey
  • Civil Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Interior Design / Architecture
  • Structural Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering

There may be additional services required in support of the basic services outlined above. These services may be precipitated due to the specifics of a given site or existing building or at the request of the owner. These services are as outlined below:

  • Sustainable Design
  • LEED Certification
  • Passive House
  • Detailed Cost Estimating
  • Historic Preservation
  • Master Planning

Please see our process page for a more in-depth review of these services.